(Alopochen aegyptiaca)

The Egyptian Goose is a member of the Duck and swan family. They are native to Africa – south of the Sahara and the Nile Valley.

It is not really a goose, but is actually a shelduck.

The most obvious field marks of the Egyptian Goose are the chestnut eye patches surrounding its yellow eyes, and a brown chest patch. They also have long necks, long pink legs, and a pink bill. One of the easiest ways to distinguish males from females is through sound. Males make a raspy hiss and females make cackling sounds.

The males are quite aggressive when mating and will do a noisy and elaborate courtship display with loud honking noises. In non mating times, these birds are generally reserved and quiet. A single male and female will nest alone in dense vegetation and incubation is done by both parents. Once hatched, the father protects the chicks while the mother guides them. They stay in small flocks and they generally remain in one body of water their entire lives.

The Egyptians believe these geese were sacred and they regularly featured them in their artworks. These geese are excellent swimmers, but are mostly terrestrial and can be seen perching on trees and buildings.

Fast Facts

Country of Origin: Africa

Weight: 4 - 5.5 lbs

Size: 25 - 29 inches length

Lifespan: 14 years in the wild

Diet: Egyptian Geese typically eat seeds, insects, leaves, grasses, and plant stems

Conservation Status: Least Concern

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